Game Play Begins

The time has come. Washington County will reopen for social gatherings of up to 25 people on Monday, June 1st. Before you call your 24 best gaming friends, let’s talk about the Glimpses’ game space.
In order to provide a safe and clean atmosphere, we will allow gaming by reservation only. 3 tables will be available, each at a safe distance from one another. Each table will have a maximum of 6 players. These 2-6 players are all part of the SAME party. This means that if there are already 2 people sitting at the table, and they are not part of your reservation, you MAY NOT join them. As much as we love to help everyone make new friends, now isn’t the time.
If you are interested in reserving a table, please call the shop @ 503-610-1208. Because we have members of our close community with compromised immune systems, we ask that anyone playing in the shop wear a protective face covering. As always we are committed to providing a safe environment for all of our gamers.